Perceptions of Serious Mental Illness in the Local Church

TitlePerceptions of Serious Mental Illness in the Local Church
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsStanford, MS, McAlister, KR
Journal TitleJournal of Religion, Disability & Health

{ABSTRACT} The present study was undertaken to assess the perceptions encountered in the local church by individuals diagnosed with a mental disorder. Participants (n = 85) were self-identified, mentally ill Christians who responded to an anonymous online survey. Analysis of the data found that the church had dismissed the diagnoses of a significantly large number of the study participants (41.2%). Participants who were told that they did not have a mental illness were more likely to: 1) attend church more than once a week and to 2) describe their church as conservative, and/or 3) charismatic {(“Spirit-filled”).} Future efforts to bring the mental health and faith communities together must focus more on the specific conservative and charismatic doctrinal issues that presently limit such collaborations.


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