Between the Wall and the Fall:

TitleBetween the Wall and the Fall:
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsPeters, RK
Journal TitleJournal of Religion in Disability & Rehabilitation

Theology, cultural anthropology, and left/right brain theory are utilized to argue for holistic pastoral ministries to persons experiencing the inherent brokenness of contemporary society. The post-modern spirit has fallen from the wall of rationalism (the metaphor of {"Humpty} Dumpty") and cries out for a sense of grounding and well-being. This article suggests that there is a natural alternation within human beings from being in touch with personal securities to being in touch with ultimate insecurity and vulnerability. Humankind is no less vulnerable than an egg on a wall. Ministry is that natural element which allows for, even invites the mysteries of human living to co-exist with what is known, bringing to the human experience not cure but meaning.


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